How a Dermatologist Treats Common Skin Conditions
Your skin is the most visible organ in your body. This complex structure is composed of glands, hairs, pores, and scales. Your skin protects you from the elements and keeps you at the right temperature. Your skin must be sensitive because it lets you feel pressure, heat, cold, and texture. a
Whenever a person looks at you, they see your skin first. Your skin covers your body, so any skin problems can make you self-conscious and lower your self-esteem. When this happens to you, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist like michael rains m.d., faad as soon as possible. A dermatologist specializes in disorders and treatments for the skin, hair, and nails. They can treat cosmetic, medical, and surgical skin issues.
When to Visit a Dermatologist
If you have concerning skin issues, you may think about your primary care doctor first. After all, this doctor can treat a lot of common skin issues. But a dermatologist can treat different skin conditions and can give the special attention your skin may need.
Any skin issue is distressing. Common skin issues include eczema, acne, and psoriasis, which are hard to treat effectively. Specialist care from a dermatologist is important for facial acne, eczematous hands, and scalp psoriasis. Visible skin issues can impact your mental health and self-esteem as well as cause physical issues.
Dry skin problems like psoriasis and eczema can be itchy and painful. They can cause distress, sleepless nights, and stress. When you are stressed, skin issues tend to flare up.
Treatment Skin Issues
Your skin health is affected by a lot of factors including stress, hormones, sun exposure, and vitamin D. This is the reason you must see a dermatologist if you want specialist skincare. Skin problems are not made equal and each person is different. Thus, your treatment must be based on your doctor’s assessment of your skin. Your dermatologist will examine, diagnose, and treat skin conditions to make sure you are happy and comfortable with your skin. Depending on your skin condition, your doctor may recommend antibiotics, steroid injections, pills, or creams, antihistamines, medicated creams and gels, oral medications, moisturizers, and surgery. If you have a skin infection, your doctor will recommend antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, or antiparasitics. After a thorough evaluation, your dermatologist will develop a treatment plan that you must follow religiously if you want to achieve the best results.