
5 Common Types of Urinalysis

Urine is filtered through the kidney’s stores and is excreted through the urinary tract. Urination is a way for your body to eliminate excess salt and water, pigmented products of blood breakdown, and other waste products from the body. Sometimes, your urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, urethra, and bladder, may develop different health conditions and infections. You may need a Sugar Land urinalysis or a urine test if you have various symptoms, including back pain, abdominal pain, painful or frequent urination, blood in your urine, or other urinary issues.

You may also undergo a urinalysis to monitor various medical conditions, such as liver disease, diabetes, and kidney stones. During a urinalysis, your health provider examines your urine, which may reveal its different properties.

For example, by looking at your red blood cells, your doctor may know if you have kidney disease, bladder cancer, or a blood disorder. On the other hand, examining your skin cells may indicate kidney disease or infection, and crystals in your urine may show you have kidney stones.

Below are the different types of urinalysis your doctor may perform for you if you have a urinary problem.

  • Protein urine test

The protein urine test measures different chemicals, cells, and substances in the urine. That examination looks at the amount of the various types of proteins available in the urine, like albumin. Albumin is a protein secreted by your liver, and it safeguards your body fluids against getting out of your blood vessels into adjacent tissues.

If your protein urine test returns as abnormal, it may mean an underlying health issue like dehydration, urinary tract problems, or heart failure.

  • Urine pH level test

Your doctor will perform a urine pH test to measure the acid level in your urine. That is because some forms of kidney stones may be susceptible to developing in alkaline urine.

Regularly measuring the acid level in your urine can help prevent the appearance of kidney stones. A low urine pH level may also indicate a condition causing diarrhea.

  • Glucose urine test

Undergoing a glucose urine test can help determine if your glucose or blood sugar levels are within a normal, healthy range. Therefore your doctor may use a glucose urine test to know or monitor if you have type 1 and 2 diabetes.

  • Bilirubin urine test

A bilirubin in urine test measures bilirubin levels in your urine. Bilirubin is a yellowish substance in the bloodstream that results from breaking down red blood cells.

Normally, bilirubin does not occur in urine. Therefore, if a test determines that the yellowish pigment is in your urine, it may show you have an issue affecting your bile duct or liver.

  • Ketones in urine test

The medical examination measures ketone levels in the urine. Usually, the cells in your body rely on glucose in your bloodstream to produce energy.

However, when your cells do not receive sufficient sugar from your blood, your body has to burn fat deposits to create energy. That leads to the production of ketones, alternative chemicals from your liver to fuel your body.

Contact St. Michael’s Elite Hospital today to schedule an appointment with a urinalysis specialist.

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