How To Reach The Studio As A Webcam Model, If You Don’t Have A Car Yet?
If you become a webcam model for a premium non-adult cam studio, you will afford the sports car of your dreams within the first six months of working. However, if you are still within the first weeks and you don’t have a car of your own yet, transportation to and from the studio can cause some difficulties. This is especially true if you choose to work during the night or early in the morning, when everybody commutes with the usual means of transport, such as the subway, the bus, or the tram.
Another option would be to take a cab or an Uber, but two trips per day, five times a week, 20 times per month will most likely cost you a fortune. A young woman who was recently hired as a webcam model asked this question on a forum dedicated to cam girls: “Hey, girls! I work on the night shift and I don’t have a car. It’s already annoying to pay 30 dollars every night on the cab. How do you get back home after work? Thanks!”. Sooner rather than later, tens of answers started pouring in.
“You don’t have a webcam model colleague that goes in the same direction as you or lives around the same area? You can split the bill between the two of you on an Uber”, one young woman suggested. “I am also taking the cab every day, but I’ve heard there are other, better alternatives”, another cam girl said. And indeed, there is an even better solution, which we will further discuss in this article.
A professional studio offers its models limo rides
Premium cam studios provide transportation for every webcam model, and not in ordinary cars, but limos. This way, young women feel safe and appreciated even after leaving the studio, not only during the working hours. “At Studio 20, we have a limo that takes us to work and back”, one model replied. “Honestly, if the studio doesn’t provide transportation, maybe you should find another one. They should be open-minded enough to offer you a decent means of transportation”, another young woman said.
Furthermore, the limo transfer is 24/7, no matter what schedule you choose as a webcam model. Therefore, whether you work during the day, the night, or even the weekends, you don’t have to worry about getting back home safely. “Like the girls before me already wrote, there are studios that offer transport no matter what shift you work on. If you work for a studio that doesn’t provide this kind of service, you should seriously think about changing it”, another webcam model concluded.
Offering transport is not only a sign of respect for the webcam models, but also a way of ensuring they are safe while performing this activity, but also in their free time. Another method of protecting them is by assigning each of them with a pseudonym so that their real identity is not disclosed to their members.