Should Couples Attend Cherry Hill Rehab Together?
Unfortunately, it is common for couples to experience alcohol and drug abuse together. Sometimes, when a relationship begins, one person is addicted and gets the second hooked. Sometimes, both partners were already addicted, and the drug pulled them together. Regardless of why or how a couple got addicted, there are both disadvantages and advantages to a couple attending a drug and alcohol rehab center together.
In all seriousness, without proper counseling and treatment to overcome relationship issues and their addiction, the cycle will continue. There are many couples that have attended a rehab center together and have been able to successful complete treatment and become (and stay sober). However, there are also many couples that do not find sobriety together. The result is with the person facing the addiction themselves.
Benefits to Addiction Treatment as a Couple
If both people in the relationship are completely committed to becoming sober, then the treatment center CAN work. There will be a lot of work that will need to be done in order to be successful as a couple in addiction therapy. Couples that attend drug and alcohol treatment facilities will gain like skills that can help them cope with their addition together as well as individually. Most times, a lifestyle change is imperative to the success of a recovery process. It is extremely important that a couple understands and knows what their life will be like once they leave the center.
The counselors will work with the couple to figure out the causes of their addiction while teaching them skills that will help them cope as well as avoid triggers that may cause them to want to use. During counseling, couples can figure out their personal issues along with issues they faced in their relationship that may be causes for their drug or alcohol abuse. Couples will need to learn how to live in their new environment, while spending time together and enjoying one another without the use of alcohol or drugs. This counseling will all take place once the detox process has been completed. Couples that are serious about their treatment have increased odds of remaining sober together. Finally, couples that complete drug treatment together feel closer to one another and grow together, ultimately strengthening their relationship.
If you feel that attending a rehab treatment center as a couple may be beneficial to you or to a loved one that you know, please contact us today orclick here for a tour.
If you are searching for drug rehab centers in Cherry Hill NJ because you live in Cherry Hill, you may be better off considering facilities away from home. If you need more help with life after rehab, or want to connect with our drug treatment center counselors at United Recovery about our alumni program click here for more details.